Friday 12 September 2014

Female Urinary Incontinence

Urinary Incontinence


Is urinary incontinence disturbing you?

What is urinary incontinence?

The state of passing urine unknowingly is called urinary incontinence. The important fact is that women are the most affected. While coughing or running many woman loses few drops of urine and some may feel a strong tendancy to urinate before losing a large amount of urine. It’s totally a worse condition for many since it restricts them from enjoying many activities with friends and family.


What causes the females to be a victim of UI (urinary incontinence)?

Some of the factors include pregnancy, menopause, child birth and the formation of urinary tract is the reason for this. Birth defects, stroke, problems associated with aging could be the reasons for UI.

Older Woman is more susceptible to UI than women of younger ages. UI is a medical phenomenon and most cases can be treated successfully without Surgery.

UI occurs due to problems with nerves and muscles that help to release or hold urine. While urinating the muscles in the wall of bladder contract thus forcing urine out of the bladder. 

Symptoms of urinary incontinence

The symptoms may depend on the condition you have.

The most common conditions are stress incontinence and urge incontinence.
Stress incontinence: This condition occurs when the pelvic floor muscles are weak enough to stop the urination, resulting in leakage of urine when the bladder is under pressure.

Urge Incontinence: Urine leakage when one have the strong urge to pass urine.
Diagnose Urinary Incontinence.

Consultation with General practitioner can help you to get diagnosed with UI. They may carry out a pelvic examination to confirm the case.

Several other tests are available to determine the case and some of them are :

Dipstick test
Residual urine test
Bladder ultrasound scan
Urodynamic tests

Treatment for Urinary Incontinence:

Some effective treatments include: Life style Changes (loss of weight),
Pelvic Floor Training and bladder training.

If these treatment doesnt work well medications must be required to deal with stress and urge incontinence.

Treatment for UI at Malabar Hospital.

Malabar Hospitals provides best treatment for female urinary incontinence or cystocele. if you are the victim of UI, don't feel disgusted to treat. Book an Appointment now at

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Tuesday 22 April 2014

Chemotherapy For Bladder Cancer

Different methods are used for people with bladder cancer. It is depended on the stage of cancer.
Most common bladder cancer treatment options are surgery, radation therapy, immunotherapy and chemotherapy. In some cases the doctors combines two or more treatment options, like radiation therapy with chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Surgeries are mostly performed in the early stages.

Signs and symptoms :
1. Blood in the urine.
2. Pain during urination
3. Appetite or weight loss
4. Low-grade fever
5. Pain in the pelvic area or lower back

In the early stage when the bladder cancer is identified, then the tumor is removed through the urinary opening, or urethra. A small surgical instrument called laparoscope is used to find the tumor and remove the tumor. This surgery is also known as transurethral resection. If the bladder cancer has spread the bladder has to be removed partially or sometimes completely. Partial bladder removal(cystectomy) is done for patients with less invasive bladder cancer. This usually occurs at the top of the bladder. In men, Radial cystectomy often includes removal of the prostate, the lymph nodes near the hip and semen conducting tubes. For women, a radial cystectomy includes removal of reproductive organs, part of vagina and the urethra.

Why Chemotherapy ?
You may have chemotherapy in one of the following ways
  • During radiotherapy treatment (concommitant chemoradiation)
  • Before radiotherapy
  • Before or after surgery
If you have chemotherapy before your operation or radiotherapy, it can shrink the tumour and aims to make the treatment work better.Clinical trials have shown that chemotherapy before surgery, or before or during radiotherapy, can lower the risk of bladder cancer coming back in the future.

Chemotherapy is often used in combination with surgery. The treatment affects not just the bladder, it affects the entire body. The patients who have undergone chemotherapy would experience nausea, bruising, headache and fatigue. Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill the cancer cells. Chemotherapy uses anti cancer or cytotoxic drugs to destroy cancer cells. They work by disrupting the growth of cancer cells. One or more liquid drugs are introduced into the bladder and left for several hours and drained out later. 

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Tips For You To Fight Against Kidney Stones

I think most of you know how the kidney stones are formed.? is formed if we do not drink enough water. Kidney stones consists of calcium, minerals and uric acid and they form like a stone. These stones grows in variety of sizes. You won't even notice them when they are small, but when they are large you may feel extreme pain while passing urine. And that is when you require treatment or a surgery. It is quite hard to find out the symptoms at the early stages when the stone size is small. But when they get, some of the symptoms that you could feel are stomach aches, fever, blood in urine etc.

So here are a few tips that you should keep in mind to avoid kidney stones.

1. Coffee sodas and carbonated drinks are a good source for the stone formation, try to avoid these maximum and replace it with water. But consumption of cola in a moderate amount is fine. The phosphoric acid in it helps in dissolving the stones.

2. Beverages containing lemons are acidic in nature and have the ability to dissolve kidney stones. Try taking drinks that contains lemon in it.

3. Serving a tablespoon of apple cedar in a cup of water is a very good idea to avoid kidney stones.

4. The seeds of watermelon can also act as an agent for dissolving the stones. So what you need to do is remove seeds from watermelon and place them in a cup of boiled water. Once the seeds absorb the water let them cool and later these seeds can be used with each cup of tea.

5. Cranberry juice is another option. It can act as a dissolving agent too.

6. More importantly relax and rest and drink as much water as you can everyday.

Symptoms and treatment :

www.urologist-doctor-india.comPain is the top symptom. Larger the stone is, bigger the pain will be. The body always try to get the stone out. This forces you to go to the bathroom continuously. Nausea and vomiting are other two common symptoms and makes your stomach sick. You could also see blood in the urine sometimes.

The center of Urology at Malabar Hospital in Kozhikode,India provides the best treatment for kidney, bladder, and urethra, prostrate and male genitalia for all age groups. Malabar hospitals is renowned for its full-fledged urology services.

For more information please visit the website :

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Thursday 13 March 2014

How to Protect Kidney

Most people know how to protect their heart (eat less fat, exercise more), but do you know how to care for your kidneys? A diabetic patient of mine thought he was healthy until a kidney function test showed that his kidneys were only functioning at 40-percent capacity.
The kidneys’ job is to help remove various toxins (drugs and food wastes), and expel them through the urine. The kidneys are silent and efficient workers, but if they get sick, the whole body suffers.

10 best ways to protect your kidneys:

1. Limit your salt intake
2. Don’t load up on high-protein foods.
3. Keep your blood pressure at 130/80 or lower.
4. Keep your blood sugar below 120 mg/dl .
5. Drink eight glasses of water a day.
6. Watch your intake of pain relievers and other drugs.
7. Be careful with tests and procedures using contrast dyes.
8. Don’t take too much vitamin C.
9. Don’t rely on food supplements to protect your kidneys.
10. Get a kidney check-up.

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